Stylish September

September 2011
Rhyan is becoming quite the fashionista...she gets new clothes every week, thanks to her Grandmas & Aunts :) We honestly don't know what to do with all the clothes!! I wish she liked to play dress up as much as I do. Usually I can do 2 sometimes 3 outfit changes before she is fed up. She is a strong little girl & if she doesn't want you pulling that onesie over her head, she'll put up quite the fight!!
We are also introducing Rhyan to more adventurous activities...She went on her first hike to Mt. Charleston and she ran her first 5k!! Well, she got pushed in the jogging stroller by Daddy, but she kicked her feet almost the whole way...we're pretty sure she was convinced she was moving the stroller on her own :)

August Adventures

August 2011
Rhyan is sitting up all on her own now :) She is becoming quite the little lady...not only does she still do little tea cups hands all the time, but she is babbling like crazy...we can carry on quite the conversation & she is a speed log roller!! She rolls from room to room, only pausing to scoot on her belly and change direction. We are continuing to have a blast feeding her new foods...she is such a good lil eater, there isn't a baby food she won't eat. She downs all her green peas, even though she makes a yucky face between every bite!!

Jumpin thru July

July 2011
Rhyan is such an active little baby!! She loves her is by far her favorite activity of the day. She is much more a jumper than bouncer...and her little squeals make my day :) She is also discovering how her toys work. She seems very interested in trying to figure out how they work. She pushes the button to make the noise or turn on the lights and then immediately flips the toy over to see how it happened, with a very determined look on her face. She is also very dainty with her fingers...she gently pushes the buttons on all her toys with one pointer finger and likes to make little tea cup hands every chance she gets. We'll have to get a picture so you can see what we mean.
She has started experimenting with solid is so fun to watch the faces she makes when she tries something for the first time. She is still trying to figure out the spoon concept, we are having a blast with this new milestone...every day is more fun than the one before...
We also made a big trip back to IL, so Rhyan could visit with more family and meet some for the first time. It was a great trip and Rhyan was very busy getting passed from Grandmas to Aunts all day long!! It was wonderful, but I think she got a little spoiled with attention, because since we got home she has been very high maintenance :) Hope it doesn't last long!!

Jovial in June

June 2011
We are so pleased with our newest baby item purchase...the bumbo chair!! (Well, actually it's a slightly upgraded version by another brand but it's easier to just call it the bumbo chair.) We can set it anywhere & Rhyan can sit all by herself. She loves this new view of the world. No more witnessing life from the lay down position or the arms of Mommy & Daddy. She is a very curious girl and seems to watch our every move...not to mention the chair makes our skyping sessions A LOT easier!!
Rhyan has learned a new trick too...SPITTING!!! She loves to stick out her tongue & spit. She did it once with Daddy & he laughed so hard I think she liked the attention & is continuing to do it strictly for the reaction she gets :) I'm happy to admit it's the cutest lil slobber I've ever seen & I don't mind it one bit :)

Magnificent May

May 2011
Rhyan is such an active little girl...she is non-stop kicking and flailing her arms!! Whenever we go to change her or lay her down to play, she just can't stay still. We finally have an established schedule. Daddy puts Rhyan to bed at night while I I don't miss anything. Then I watch her while Daddy works during the day (He got a great job working for a real estate company). It is so nice that we don't have to put her in daycare, and she sleeps 8 hours straight for Daddy...can't say I'm not!!
Her new favorite activity is jumping in the bouncer, thanks to Grandma Debby...her feet just barely touch the floor, but that doesn't stop her!! She gets really excited & just breaks out in adorable screams, accompanied by non-stop bouncing :)
She is also becoming very vocal. I am convinced she is a lot like her Daddy & loves the sound of her own voice. Now if we could only figure out what she is saying???

Adjusting in April

April 2011 many changes this month!! We had a great time back in IL. Rhyan was an angel on the airplane & complete strangers were more than generous helping me throughout the airport as I carried a small baby and dragged luggage. Not to mention giving us our own row of seats on the airplane...SCORE!! Rhyan is such a delightful baby...she is loving her playmat, which gives Mommy's arms a rest. She is becoming so expressive too...she is so smiley and we even get a giggle here and there :)

Rhyan also attended her first baseball game...we visited the Beamish Clan in AZ for the annual cubbies/d-backs series. She was a trooper, but didn't seem to be interested in the game...her favorite part was napping on Aunt Kelly between innings...

Reid is back in Vegas :) He is on the job hunt for something local...the distance was too hard on all of us. I am heading back to work the night audit at The Palms at end of the month...4 nights a week w/Fri, Sat & Sun nights off...YAY!! Lucky Rhyan won't have to be in daycare w/Reid working days & me overnight...Now time to figure out a way to sleep during the day...

March Madness

March 2011
Reid is still on the road for work, so Rhyan & I skype & send pictures as much as possible & yep...Rhyan is still being held 16 hours a day!! The only problem is she doesn't like to be still. This means I pace around the house...Up the stairs...Down the stairs.  We bounce around to Baby Einstein tunes & some lovely CDs created by Tia Kristin. My only sit time is when she is nursing or asleep at night. Trust me I have tried EVERYTHING...I still can't fathom why she doesn't like the swing??? If I could fit in there I'd swing around all day long. I am getting quite the workout & after going back to the doc for my 6 week checkup I am less than my pre-pregnancy weight. A great excuse to eat an extra scoop of ice cream or two :)

On a positive, Rhyan & I will get to travel home soon!! It is for an unfortunate reason, as Reid's Grandpa has passed & we are heading back to attend the funeral...but we will get to reunite w/Reid & all come back to Vegas as a family...YIPEE!! Although, I am a little nervous to travel alone w/Rhyan...will she be that screaming baby on the plane??? Are they going to make an emergency stop & kick us off???